Bee Smart Breeding
Experienced Breeders of High Quality Varroa Resistant Queen Bees
The Bee Smart Breeding team utilises state of the art breeding techniques to breed good quality honey bee breeder queens with a specialisation in breeding for the Varroa Sensitive Hygienic (VSH) trait. Our honey bee breeder queens are selected from untreated colonies that have good over wintering, exceptional spring build up, freedom from diseases and have tested as VSH positive.
Detailed testing and comprehensive data collection are conducted in the field and laboratory to select the best breeding stock.
Bee numbers, brood quality, honey production and bee temperament are also selected and the mite population growth (MPG) rate is monitored along with an evaluation of the mite infertility. The Bee Smart Breeding team employs instrumental insemination (artificial insemination) technology and uses open mating as part of the VSH queen breeding programme. We are able to offer breeder queens, producer queens and VSH virgins designed to suit any beekeeping operation.

Latest technology quality varroa resistant bees
Rae’s experience and training in breeding queen bees is second to none.
The Bee Smart Breeding programme aims to achieve continual improvement in our stock to address the the constant arrival of new threats and pressures.
Be Smart with your Bee Breeding
Contact Rae now and start improving your hive health against the varroa mite threat in New Zealand.