Queen Bee Breeding and VSH Resistance

Our Sales & Services


Bee Smart Breeding has honeybee queens for sale, which are grafted from VSH breeder Queens

  • Production Queens

  • VSH Breeder Queens

  • Pro-line VSH Queens

  • Cells

Please contact Rae to discuss what will best suit your beekeeping outfit and region.

Cells green back ground
Instrumental Insemination Bee Smart Breeding

Instrumental Insemination

Bee Smart Breeding 

Contact Rae for further information


VSH Breeding Programme

Importance of a Monitored VSH Breeding Programme

Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) is a behavioural trait of honeybees proven to assist bees in becoming resistant to varroa mites (Varroa destructor).

VSH colonies can offer the opportunity to delay the need for varroa treatments because the colony is able to keep the mite population below the need to take action threshold with varroa treatments.

Read more here.

VHS Queen bee breeding programme
Trees for bees NZ

Trees for Bees

Nectar & Pollen Sources

Not all flowers produce pollen and nectar or if they do it is very low in nutritional value to the insects that feed off them especially the honey bees.

The Trees for Bees initiative is designed to identify the good nectar and pollen plant sources and when they yield. Thus urban and rural beekeepers can plant for all year around food sources.

Honey bees obtain their nutritional requirements from the nectar and pollen of flowers and in some instances the honeydew off other insects.

Read more here.


VSH Trait

What is the Varroa Sensitive Hygiene Trait?

Rae Butler, Queen Breeder at Bee Smart Breeding

This is the first of a series of articles on varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH), a behavioural trait of honey bees proven to assist bees in becoming resistant to varroa mites (Varroa destructor).

Click here to download the article as a PDF.

This article was originally published in the August 2017 edition of The New Zealand BeeKeeper, vol.25 n.7, and is reprinted with their permission.